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  • 每當SOME CITY的街頭籃球賽場充滿最熱烈的歡呼聲時,就是NINJA出場的時候了! NINJA是由一群體能異於常人的四胞胎組成的球隊,已經在世界各地的街頭籃球賽事中稱霸多年。有一次,當他們前往紐約參加比賽時,經過一個地下水道時,發現了四個烏龜面具。他們毫不猶豫地戴上了面具,卻突然感覺到一股力量貫穿了他們的大腦,使他們的體能更加優異。正在沉思的他們突然听到了幾公里外的求救聲,TMNT的新篇章由此展開......





    Whenever the basketball court in SOME CITY is filled with the most enthusiastic cheers, the NINJA team will take the stage! NINJA is a team consisting of a group of quadruplets with exceptional physical abilities, and has been dominating street basketball games all around the world for many years. During one of their trips to New York for a game, they passed through an underground tunnel and discovered four turtle masks. Without hesitation, they put on the masks and suddenly felt a power piercing through their brains, making their physical abilities even stronger. While they were pondering about this, they suddenly heard a cry for help coming from several kilometers away, and thus began a new chapter in the TMNT story...


    The brand new background of this story is full of challenges and passion, perfectly combining the spirit of basketball and ninjas. When you own this Ninja Turtle, you will not only have a beautiful collectible, but also a passion for basketball and ninja culture. and collectors of the Ninja Turtle series cannot miss this limited edition trendy Ninja Turtle. This limited edition figure, themed around basketball and ninjas, will bring more charm and value to your collection. Come and experience this brand new Ninja Turtle and full of vitality passion!


      • 台灣顧客請選擇Manu payment
      • 支援信用卡付款及ATM
      • 收件資料請填寫中文
      • Limit Edition : 299 

      • Free shipping for preorder

      • 1/6 Scale Size : 30cm high

      • Delivery : 2023, Q4 (Approx on Aug)

      • Designed & Created by Jei Tseng

      • Collect the 4 character of set will get the Lighting Boombox

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