ND.01 is designed as a product for parents that did not achieve their own dream and wishes their child to follow their lost dream.
Like becoming a doctor, a high achiever, and etc. Thus getting the name [None Dream] ND.01 Prototype is made in the image of a normal 10 year old boy.
During developers, the researcher programmed him to protect everyone, thus equipping some firepower in the body structure.
ND.01 chest have an LED display screen to display his current status, whenever the screen shows ERROR, it will forcefully activate its assault mode.
※According to the lab's computer classified folder, there is an earlier model ND.00, ND.00 is a human 10 year old boy that act as the lab professor H936 white rat.
Base on the report found, ND.00 body have been operated on countless time and 80% of his body and bones are merge with complicated receptor and metal, with a 48 G processor implanted to the brain, even the heart had been replaced by machinery. Further data of the report had been deleted from server.