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NOIS OFF ! 創作徵稿活動


The rise of social media brings ever-changing excitement and freshness, but the information explosion that follows is accidentally swallowed, submerged, and disoriented...

NOIS 取自「Noise」的音與義,看似平靜的表面下,承受了無數質疑與批判的聲音。正如這個多元且伴隨吵雜的世代,我們該如何保有自己並堅持追尋夢想與初衷? 摒除雜音、傾聽內心,找回更強大、純粹的自我。

NOIS is taken from the sound and meaning of "Noise. Beneath the seemingly calm surface, it has endured countless voices of doubt and criticism.

As in this diverse and noisy in this world. now can we creserve ourselves and persist in pursuing your dreams and original intentions? Get rid of the noise, listen to your heart, and find a stronger, purer self.


What makes you want to stay away from distractions?


Time for a cigarette, melody immersed in headphones, or a lazy trip without a plan?

每個人對噪音及悠然自處的闡述方式不盡相同,Just NOIS OFF!

Even everyone has a different approach to noise and relaxation,Just NOIS OFF!




Theme & Formathe theme of the competition is "NOIS OFF". The design ideas should be based on the element of "NOIS" or "Keep your own way in the NOIS" as your creative direction. And attach a simple creative idea to participate in the activity.(Limit one submission per person)



Application deadline2022/12/20-2023/01/31


優勝者一名 First Prize ( 1 Winner)


Prize Winner's design is made into a NOIS series and modeling the design to winner,

Receive a set of the newest NOIS series and have the opportunity to participate in the creation of brand derivatives.

優選者五名Excellence Award (5 Winners)


Prize: Receive a set of the newest NOIS series and have the opportunity to participate in the creation of brand derivatives.


Graphic download :

Submission method:Please email your create work and creative ideas to 「」

※主辦單位保有最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利,若有相關異動將會公告於網站, 恕不另行通知。

※The organizer reserves the right to revise, change, explain the event and cancel the event. Any relevant changes will be announced on the website without prior notice.


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